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Rosemary Nakijoba(PhD)


My academic, social work and community development background have defined my outlook and
ambitions in life. I trace my academic training from Kyambogo University, Uganda where I obtained a diploma
in education and taught at Masaka Secondary School (1998-1999). My writing skills improved at the Institute
for Social Transformation (IST), Kleinmond, South Africa (2003), where I obtained a diploma in community
development education. At IST, I wrote weekly papers integrating the knowledge and skills acquired in class
with my work situation. Further, I read publications of great thinkers such as Ghandi, Amartya Sen, Nelson
Mandela and Paul Freire. These challenged my thinking about development. In particular, Freire’s writing
(1970) on radical transformation was an eye opener for self-reflection. I then compared myself to a butterfly
that grows from an egg through different stages hence “radical change”. I became enthusiastic to build my
career in social service, education and research.
In 2008, I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Development Studies from Ndejje University, and had my
first publication titled ‘Challenges faced by Rural Women living with HIV/AIDS’. My skills and experience in
development work, was additionally, shaped at Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organization (2000-2007); where I served
as deputy director. Later, I served as the volunteer for Gender and HIV/AIDS Medical programs’ liaison officer
at Uganda Catholic Secretariat (2009), cultivated my art and science of applying theory into practice. To add
significant value to the field of development and management as a Development Professional and Practitioner, I
established Good Samaritan Women’s Group in 2006 (www.goodsamaritanwomen.org). As executive
director of the group, I provided strategic leadership, wrote fundable projects, compiled periodic reports and
liaised with strategic partners. The work I did for Good Samaritan Women’s group further, nurtured and shaped
my writing and social skills. Similarly, the trainer of trainers’ course on gender by OXFAM and my
participation in the Global Women’s Leadership Program at Santa Clara University, USA (2008) further
polished my art of public speaking (view profile at www.gwln.org).
Besides, I got exposure through consultancy work such as; gender audit for over 13 OXFAM and Trocaire
funded organizations in Uganda (2012-2013) widened my social network, while the volunteer positions at the
Global Women’s Leadership Network and the International Labour Organization (2010) connected me to high
profile people such as; Disability Specialists from the University of Chicago (2013) during meetings in
Switzerland and Italy. In addition, the Disability Equality Trainings I conducted for Kaoma and Lusaka
Business Higher Technical Colleges in Zambia (2013); conscientising lecturers on disability rights was an
exposure I benefited from most as it involved dealing with highly educated persons.
In 2012, I further obtained a Masters Degree in Development Studies from Uganda Martyrs University
under the Irish Council for International Students (ICOS) scholarship which resulted in my publication entitled
“Links between Voice and Power in the Empowerment of Rural Women Leaders in Local Government”.
My commitment as a professional teacher directed me to Ndejje University, Uganda where I serve as a lecturer
(2011 to date); a career that has opened for me doors for knowledge sharing and building a learning community.
I am a graduate of the Global Women’s Leadership Program, Santa Clara University, California, US.A and a
Women Leaders of the World (WLW)/ How women lead Alumni Council Member.
In 2017, I enrolled for PhD in Development Studies at the University of the Western Cape. In December
2020, I graduated with a doctor of Philosophy in Development studies www.uwc.ac.za. My research project
focused on “the Synergy between Gender relations, Child Labour and Disability in Post War Acholi Subregion of Northern Uganda”.
I am currently a Senior Lecturer at Ndejje University in the faculty of Social Sciences, Uganda. I am
also a Gender Advisor for the faculty. I have supervised research work for a number of undergraduate and
postgraduate students besides designing and teaching various modules. Over the past years, I have also held
various leadership positions in Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and coordinated Network
organizations. I have involved in a number of trainings and research projects on disability working with the
National Union of Disabled Persons in Uganda (NUDIPU) and Integrated Disabled Women’s Activities
(IDIWA) in Uganda.
Positions and Employment
Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Victoria University, Uganda, August 2021 to date
 Providing effective academic leadership and management of the faculty
 Developing, implement and maintain an academic plan for the faculty
 Prepare and present the faculty’s submissions for resources, and to administer the resources provided
 Chair the faculty council
 Representing the faculty in the University and externally
 Ensuring adherence to the policies of the University and the legal requirements placed on it
 Encouraging staff development and a high level of staff performance
 Providing advice to the Vice-Chancellor on matters relating to the faculty
 Assuming administrative responsibility for other academic, and service facilities as may be required by
the Vice-Chancellor
 Contributing towards policies which enhance the effectiveness of the University as a whole and to
counsel and represent the Vice-Chancellor accordingly
 Undertaking any other duties specified by the Vice-Chancellor
Head of Department, Social development, Victoria University, Uganda, January-July, 2021
 Promote and represent the University both internally and externally
 Fulfilment of the University´s responsibilities concerning students in respect of their admission,
instruction, progress and examination
 Refresh and develop new programmes in order to attract new students and markets
 Ensure the highest levels of quality, integrity and ethics in all research undertaken
 Create a dynamic and forward looking research environment for both staff and student
Senior Lecturer, Ndejje University, Uganda, April 2014 to date
 Support and maintain the University’s National and International reputation for excellence in teaching and
 Contribute to teaching within the faculty, course development and innovation
 Organize and conduct lectures in various course units namely; Gender and development, Project Planning and
Management, Social Policy Analysis, Project planning and Management, Environment and Development,
Development Planning in Uganda, Research Methods, Advocacy and Citizen Engagement, and HIV/AIDS
and Development.
 Set tests, examinations and coursework
 Organize and conduct seminars and supervise research for Undergraduate & Postgraduate students
 Provide strategic direction for Implementation of Gender Mainstreaming, Disability, and HIV/AIDS related
activities in the University
Senior Lecturer and Gender Advisor-Ndejje University, Faculty of Social Sciences (June, 2017 to date)
 Assessing the current capacity levels of the faculty in gender mainstreaming and gaps (knowledge and
skills) through a quick gender audit;
 Developing a detailed gender mainstreaming capacity building design and implementation plan, based
on the outcomes of the gender audit;
 Helping the faculty of social sciences to gain a deeper understanding/appreciation of the link between
gender and academics, and of the context in, which it operates;
 Skills building in gender analysis and gender mainstreaming/ programming
 Facilitating faculty staff to put in place/strengthen policies, strategies, structures in departments and
processes that ensure gender sensitivity, including an action plan by each department; and
 Facilitate them to adapt their Monitoring &Evaluation framework to become gender sensitive and enable
capturing of progress in gender mainstreaming at departmental and faculty level.
Volunteer Training Coordinator -Uganda Chapter- Global Women’s Leadership Network (GWLN) –
Eastern and Southern African Alliance- an initiative of Santa Clara University in California-USA, 2010
 Contributed to building, coordinating and managing a collaborative Alliance in Eastern Africa
 Reviewed training proposals in line with the gender and leadership training objective
 Lead the training team to conduct training needs assessment and develop training content
 Monitored implementation of quarterly training plans and budgets
 Compiled training reports and disseminate to relevant stakeholders
 Contributed to writing grant proposals and training other women leaders in Eastern and Southern Africa
 Net worked with like-minded organizations in the areas of Leadership, gender mainstreaming, HIV/AIDS, and
Trainer (On-line Program)-Gender and Disability Equality Training Program (DET)
International Labour Organization (ILO), Switzerland Office, 2015-2017
 Identified relevant training needs
 Trained, Coached and Mentored on gender mainstreaming and Disability for DET Facilitators based in Africa
and Asia Pacific
 Advised the DET training team on content development and delivery
 Actively solicited Disability Equality Training reports (DET) and materials from the DET facilitators and
 Liaised with donors and other stakeholders
Chairperson, Masaka District Network of AIDS Service organizations (MADNASO), 2005-2007
 Oversaw the day today running of the network activities
 Liaised with the UNASO Secretariat on various fundraising efforts and training activities
 Organised meetings with network member organizations including TASO, Uganda cares, Villa Maria Home
Care, Makondo Home Care, Medical Research Council among others
 Liaised with the district HIV/AIDS Focal point office and other stakeholders to implement the Community
HIV/AIDS led Initiatives (CHAI)
Director, Good Samaritan Women’s Project, 2006
 Develop fundable project proposals and work plans
 Monitored project progress against milestones, work plans and results in line with the social protection policy
 Ensured that social protection data is documented
 Supported the project team in providing thematic analysis
 Review project impact and indicators objectively
 Mobilized resources to enhance incomes for Widows and Orphans and Vulnerable children
 Train staff on the importance of integrating gender in the work plans, activities and policies at various levels
Deputy Director (Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organization), 2005-2007
 Provided technical and managerial support to the Program Director and over-saw the day today running of
activities in the five departments of the organization
 Developed fundable project proposals and fundraised for the organization
 Facilitated access to project sites and liaised with donors and other key stakeholders
 Liaised with department coordinators and consolidated reports for the five departments of the organization
namely; Home Care, OVC department, Counselling and Training, Livelihood department and behavioural
 Directly supervised the Girl-Child Education Program in the target primary, secondary and tertiary Institutions
in Masaka and Rakai Districts.
 Trained school teachers as trauma counselors in selected schools in Masaka, Rakai and Ssembabule Districts
which enabled them to counsel Orphans and Vulnerable Children in their respective schools.
 Organized peer counseling sessions for the Orphans and Vulnerable Children
 Supervised the Kitovu Mobile Farm Schools located in various districts in the central region
 Organized bereavement counseling sessions for Parents and Guardians of the Orphans and Vulnerable
Children under the Kitovu Mobile Farm School Project
 Worked with the lead consultant and aided different target schools in Masaka and Rakai districts to develop
and own child protection policies. Monitored adherence to these policies and reported accordingly
 Worked closely with the field staff and finance team to ensure that finance monitoring data and technical
monitoring data are both aligned.
Social Protection Programme Manager (Kitovu Mobile AIDS Organization), 2000-2005
 Monitored budget utilization and programme expenditure, implementation and results, and followed-up on
audit report findings
 Monitored and reviewed reports and shared results with the Social Protection team
 Monitored and ensured that risks are identified and mitigated under the social protection programme.
 Conducted regular field monitoring including, preparing schedules and drafting back-to-office reports
following each field visit and sharing learning and results across the organizational team
 Supported the social protection team in the development of analysis of thematic papers as part of the internal
planning process including annual planning, mid-term reviews and evaluation
 Prepared reporting materials for internal accountability processes (quarterly and annual reporting) in line with
results based management
 Prepared case studies on the program
Classroom Teacher-Masaka Senior Secondary School 1998-1999
 Provided technical expertise in school governance, Teachers, Pupils/ Students and Parents
 Taught Religious Education lessons to ordinary level students
 Participated in Parents Teachers’ Association meetings
1. Feb. 2017- Dec. 2020- PhD Scholarship Award, National Institute for Humanities and Social Sciences
(NIHSS)-Republic of South Africa
2. Mar-2017- PhD Proposal Development Award, Social Sciences Research Council, New York.
3. Mar. 2010-Dec 2012-Irish Council for International Students-ICOS (Embassy of Ireland) M.A
Scholarship Award
4. Nov. 2008- Women Leaders for the World Leadership Training Award (Santa Clara UniversityCalifornia-USA)
5. Aug. – 2008- International HIV/AIDS Conference Award- Mexico City
6. Aug. – 2006- International HIV/AIDS Conference- Travel and Subsistence Award-Toronto Canada
Nakijoba R. (2014). Links between Voice and Power in the empowerment of rural women leaders, Aiivu
Sub-county, Arua district. ISBN-13:978-3659648762
The synergy between Gender relations, Child labour and Disability in Post-War Acholi Sub-region of
Northern Uganda, December, 2020 viewed at http://etd.uwc.ac.za/
Leave No One Behind: Experiences of Learners with Disabilities in Accessing Education Services
during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda
Online learning Accessibility for Children with Disabilities in rural Uganda: Lessons from COVID-19
wave 1&2 Lockdown
On the Margins: Violence against Women and Girls with Disabilities in Uganda
COVID-19 School closures in Uganda and their impact on the well-being of teachers of private
institutions in Semi-Urban Districts
The sociological effects of COVID-19 in Uganda
2018-2019- Wasajja Regina, Ndejje University Dissertation Title: Survival Mechanisms of the Blind
in Mpigi District, Uganda. A case of Members of Mpigi Association of the Blind.
2016-2017 Flora Omony, Ndejje University Dissertation Title: Defilement and the Completion rate of
on the girl child at primary school level in Pece Division, Gulu District
2016-2017 Ndagire Mary, Ndejje University, Dissertation Title: Psychosocial and Physical effects of the
Teenage Pregnancy on the welfare of the girl-child. A case of Wakisa Ministries in Rubaga Division
2016-2017 Josephine Naluwugge, Ndejje University Dissertation Title: Patient Satisfaction With
Hypertension Care In Selected Health Centers In Kyamulibwa Sub County, Kalungu District
1. Lead Consultant-Conducting a Needs Assessment on COVI-19 at Ports of entry across Uganda-A
project by the East African Community (EAC) and JICA (April-June, 2021) and oversee the
implementing Pilot activities at various border points across the country (August-December, 2021).
2. Lead Consultant- Training women and Girls with Disabilities Paralegals for Integrated Disabled
Women Activities (IDIWA) Uganda in Mayuge District (December, 2020).
3. Lead Consultant-Conducting trainings on Disability and Gender Based Violence at Nakivale Refugee
Settlement contracted by World Food Program and National Union of Disabled Persons in Uganda
(NUDIPU) (October-November, 2020)
4. Lead Consultant- Developing an Advocacy tool Kit to Eliminate Sexual Gender Based Violence in
schools and local communities for Integrated Disabled Women Activities located in Iganga, Uganda
(March-April, 2020)
5. Lead Consultant- Developing a Sexual Harassment and Abuse policy and a Sexual Exploitation and
Abuse policy for Integrated Disabled Women Activities located in Iganga, Uganda (May-June, 2020)
6. Associate consultant: Disability Equality Training (DET) for World Food Program and National Union
of Disabled Persons in Uganda (NUDIPU) in Refugees Camps and Settlements across the country-NovDec 2019 & January, 2020
7. Associate consultant: Disability Equality Training (DET) for 10 organizations funded by FUKUS in
partnership with NUDIPU, (2017).
8. International consultant: Disability Equality Trainings (DET) conducted at Kaoma Trades Institute and
Lusaka Business and Technical College, Zambia,( 2016) funded by ILO Switzerland Office
9. Associate Consultant: Gender Audit for Trocaire Partners (Status of gender mainstreaming among 11
Trocaire funded partners), (2012)